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Consulting, software and services
Anti-Money Laundering and Revenue Agency Compliance
for Professional Gold Operators and Gold Buyers

The components of the service


Infrastructure Components


Application platform

Avoid technological problems related to the management of hardware, software, spaces by exploiting the potential of our Cloud space on Microsoft Azure.

You have always updated solutions available, even following regulatory changes, we take care of installations and updates.


Application Management

The management of Application Solutions is entrusted to Studio Informatica. The Regulatory manager has at his disposal summary and detailed operational dashboards to monitor and validate the information contents.



Our experts are available for training, first and second level Help Desk, support and regulatory advice. A ticketing service is also active with the use of the Customer's platform.

The service can be structured based on company needs and strategies: sharing and defining objectives, division of responsibilities and tasks, integration of the solution with your IT and User reality.

Why choose Smouse LexGold

The Smouse LexGold Service fully covers the Anti-Money Laundering and Revenue Agency obligations of professional Gold and Gold Buying Operators, guaranteeing organizational efficiency , reduction of operating costs and the availability of consolidated specialist skills .





Reduction of the costs



operational risk

GDPR Compliant


Choosing a service allows you to avoid the technological and operational problems associated with managing your own hardware, software and space systems thanks to the potential of the cloud, and guarantees solutions that are always up to date even following regulatory updates.

Management of Revenue Agency obligations
for Professional Gold Operators

Electronic Address Register

To register and communicate to the Electronic Address Register - REI the data relating to the PEC on which to receive the Tax Investigations

Registry of Relationships

Monthly reporting of customer relations and annual reporting of balances and movements to the Revenue Agency's Relationship Registry and exchange of flows with the Data Exchange System - SID

Complete management of the exchange of information flows between financial intermediaries and the Revenue Agency following requests for tax investigations

Annual reporting of customer relations under the International Cooperation legislation

Management of Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
for Professional Gold Operators and GOLD Buyers

To manage the comparison between subjects to be monitored (customers already acquired or in the evaluation phase) and surveillance lists.

To complete the suspicious activity report
based on evidence from watch lists and customer profiling.



No installation required

Regulatory adjustments in the event of changes to the rules

Real-time product update

Timeliness in resolving technical-functional issues



Reduction of maintenance and monitoring costs

Tools for monitoring reports



Total safety and reliability

Continuous backups for complete data protection



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