Round Table - Data quality towards authorities and citizens
Wed, May 23
|Studio Informatica S.r.l.
The role of financial intermediaries between sanctions and GDPR

Time & Location
May 23, 2018, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Studio Informatica S.r.l., Stradone Farnese, 43/A, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italy
About the event
The quantity and complexity of communications to the authorities , the more stringent controls by the Revenue Agency on the quality of data sent to the Registry of Relations and the use of such data in the pre-filled form, open a reflection and a broad debate on the complex situation of relationships between the Authorities, the financial world and citizens.
It is known, in fact, that much of the information provided by financial intermediaries to the Revenue Agency is made available to citizens in the pre-filled form: intermediaries, therefore, play a key role not only with respect to the authority but also with respect to customers.
And the recent GDPR Regulation increases the responsibility of intermediaries on the information processed.
Data quality towards Authorities and citizens. The role of intermediaries between Sanctions and GDPR
- Data quality. Overview
- The most problematic situations in communications to the Revenue Agency
- Data quality in light of ISEE and pre-filled 2018: citizen and interview between authorities/intermediaries
- Database Operation and Management for Better Data Quality
- The sanctions framework. Risks and virtuous behaviors
- Corporate Transactions - Data Inheritance Between Financial Institutions
- Insurance companies between reporting obligations and progressive remediation
- Critical areas related to the quality of transmitted data and the related sanctioning impacts. Practical cases
- The GDPR Construction Site - Security, Privacy and Transparency. Future Steps to Protect Customers and Companies
Speakers *: Massimo Summa (Sole Director of Studio Informatica), Vincenzo Errico , Luigi Stefanucci , Giuseppe Tonetti , Francesco Del Gallo (Senior | Advisory Services Ernst & Young), Rodolfo Covanti , Silvia Anzini (ABI), Alessandro Longo (ANIA).
(*) relationships carried out in a personal capacity which do not involve the position of the Administration to which they belong.
Participation in the EVENT is FREE.
Download the program of the day HERE
Data Quality May 23
Round Table - Data quality towards authorities and citizens The role of financial intermediaries between sanctions and GDPR Studio Informatica May 17, 2018 - Stradone Farnese 43/A
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