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Management of Government Bonds for ISEE purposes

During a meeting between the Revenue Agency, software providers and trade associations, it emerged that the Anagrafe Rapporti provision relating to the management of government bonds for ISEE purposes will come into force by the end of the year .

The Revenue Agency is currently awaiting the Prime Ministerial Decree to follow up on the provision and the necessary technical schemes that have been distributed in the meantime in order to allow intermediaries and software houses to start the analyses for the necessary adjustments .


Main points that emerged

  • The Provision implements what was established by the latest financial law which rectifies the overall assets of the citizen by reducing, up to a maximum of 50 thousand euros, the direct ownership of debt securities issued or guaranteed by the Italian state.

  • New information will be required in existing tracks

  • The Agency stated that it is necessary to correct the last communication already sent on the 2023 balances by the end of the year (2024) since the ISEE takes into consideration the last two years.

We are currently analyzing the impact of the measure on our products and on the information flows from intermediaries.

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